Get Connected
TC Groups
Don’t do life alone! Connect to a group, or join us at one of our upcoming events!
One of our main vision points is Community.
Community is about connection with other people. Connect Groups are for people to make connections with one another inside the community of Trinity Church.
Connect Groups are organized around three main categories:
- Age / Stage of Life
- Interest
- Study Based
Age / Stage Of Life Groups
Age based groups are exactly that based on age or stage of life. An example would be our Primetimers connect group. They meet once a month to fellowship and play games. This group is for people 50+
Family life is another connect group that is stage of life based, this is for families with minor children still in the home.
Interest Based Groups
Study Based Groups
These groups are working on something specific, could be a book, going over each Sundays sermon and how to apply to your life, a course or curriculum of some kind. These groups require approval for the facilitator as well as the study materials.
What is Required for Each Group?
The Basics:
Age / Stage of Life Groups
Interest based
Study Based
Answers to frequently asked questions.
Who can create a group?
Anyone can create a age or interest based group. Study based groups have a little more effort required on the front end, and may included interviews for potential facilitators.
When do connect groups meet?
Connect groups usually meet 1-2 times per month. The actual schedule is set by the facilitator for each group and can be found in the details for each group. To check out all the groups and when they meet click here.
Study-based Groups
Study based groups are semester based, they meet in the spring and the fall. When you sign up for a study based group the expectation is to finish the semester with the same group.